What a year.
2018 brought such newness: started a new business (Grow Creative Solutions), celebrated one year of marriage (which brings lots of newness and adjustment), started a new part-time role in our church, Common Ground and our church's local NGO, Common Good, GOT PREGNANT, and strived to be creative and learning about my creativity 365 days.
While I lacked being in the art studio every day, the effort of consciously thinking about creativity and challenging myself to be creative (not just in art but all of life) was such a joy. My blog and daily sketches can't show you all I learned ... but I'll tell you this ... my confidence in creativity has blossomed and I'm so thankful for this 2018 New Years resolution of #365daysofcreativity.
Here's what's been going on the last few days ...
Christmas lunch: ham, brocoli salad, deviled eggs, carrot souffle, potato bake |
Christmas Lunch at the Mokgatla's |
We opened our gender reveal envelope on Christmas morning ... IT'S A BOY! |
Now the holiday-slow-time! Puzzle on the dining room table. |
Dream Guide from Jennie Allen : IF |
If you've known me for more than a minute, you know I love goals. I love setting goals, challenging myself, challenging others. This year, I've chosen Jennie Allen's Dream Guide to help me through my end of year processing and new year dreaming. Here's the link if you'd like to join:
With baby on the way, I'm not going to make hard and fast New Years Resolutions like I have in the past. I'm so overwhelmed with the thought of this new life coming into our world that I want to have only the expectation to know and love this little boy and figure out how to do life as 3. But I will have smaller personal goals like books to read, whole food eating, etc.
Stay tuned as I finish this Dream Guide and prayerfully consider how to focus on growth in 2019!