maps and September squares . week 35


Wrapped up my map-study with an illustration of my little town, Muizenberg. 

Funky Muizenberg Map - taking google maps, using it as a source image, and creating art through the spaces that mean something to my world.

last landscape in my sketchbook. Loved these angles.
Maybe it should be a big, real painting? Still pondering. That's what sketchbooks are for!


September is here. I can't believe it!
One thing I've learned this year  ... is to use social media for positivity. And with my #365daysofcreativity challenge, I've found lots of artist-friends that have really fueled some fresh inspiration. Melissa Doty is one of them. She's challenged her friends to a September-Square-a-Thon! Every day of Sept, there's a creative prompt. The only rule, keep your format SQUARE! 

Get ready for a lot of squares the next few posts.

Getting a plan. Studying quilt block patterns.
01 - quilt block
02 - sky
03 - triangles